Financial aid

In order to promote energy savings and energy transition, individuals and professionals alike can take advantage of various financial aids.
You will find on this page all the necessary information to understand more about the functioning of these.
Our RGE certification " Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement " allows us to guarantee that you will obtain your subsidies and that our interventions will be carried out in accordance with the regulations.
We will accompany you in all your steps from A to Z.
What is it ?

VAT at 5.5%VAT at 5.5

For any replacement of an oil or gas boiler you benefit from a reduced VAT rate of 5.5%.
This reduction is applicable on the installation, maintenance and servicing of this equipment.

The criteria :

Be an owner or a tenant
Resident in France
Individual house or apartment
Work completed for more than 2 years
Main or secondary residence

” Take advantage of the 5.5% VAT for your AIR / WATER heat pumps “

La tva à 5,5%
What is a CEE ?


Energy saving certificate
Reversal of global warming
Tax collected by fuel suppliers
Up to 40% of the total amount of the renovation work done
Can be combined with other aid
Coverage of your work up to 100%

The criteria :

Any household carrying out energy renovations
Depends on household income

” Replacement of an installation with integration of heat recovery at 0€ taken in charge at 100% by the CEE  “

Certificats d'économies d'énergies
What is it ?


Financial aid dating from 2020
Coverage of part of your energy renovation work
Payment in one go at the end of the work

The criteria :

Be an owner or a tenant
Resident in France
Single-family home or apartment
Main or secondary home
House older than 15 years

We take care of all your procedures !

ma prim renov